ever wanted to know SHARK's design history?!?
first of all ; SHARK started out as.... a roblox avatar?!?

this was made in 2019!! when i created my new account and needed
something to represent myself (therefore; persona)
i made this the CLASSIC way..... having 5000 tabs open and
comparing each hat to eachother and seeing what fit!
(this was before UGC and i was a 3.0 HATER then)
(i also think i made this on catalog heaven? i was too much of an oldie
to know what catalog creator was...)

they were constantly my PFP for a lot of platforms (that I never properly saved)
but their outfit was constantly a navy blue suit

around 2 months? ago I decided that their outfit HAD to change.
the colors meshed too much together and it was very. bland!
a suit and tie? classy but BORING!!!

this was one of their last drawings in that old outfit, which was in april! wow!

my first thought was that this design HAD to stand out the most;
be the most recognizable, thought out, and detailed one, since they're the main character!!!
i started out with one of their main themes; the ocean!

this quick sketch is the main points I wanted across
i really wanted the ocean theme to go through with the seaweed, fish tie,
sharp shark teeth lapels, and seashells instead of flowers
this also applies to the color palette as well, taking a lot of blues with
variants of warmer colors

this was the outcome! but also where my two biggest mistakes lie
i really wanted to exaggerate the shark element by removing the horns, and turning the hair into one to make it seem like a shark body

but all this really did was remove any form of uniqueness and opposition to the design;

taking away the horns made the design feel more empty, but also
removed the sharp edge it had; turning SHARK from a
energetic looking character into a much meeker, softer person

the hair just looked ugly! it also combined with turning SHARK into a
much more gentle design that I didnt really like
(i am also very glad i asked for feedback from my SUPER AWESOME BESTY WESTIES!!! because oh my gyat i almost made a huge mistake)

and this is the finale!
i brought back the horns and the flowers, to connect them more to [another character that hasn't been shown yet...], but also because who is SHARK without their stupid flower horns ?!
and the hair might be my most favorite part. not only does it create a circular motion with its flow, but also make a sense of connection to the shark fin on the top of their head! creating a circular sensation, i love it!!!

and thats the end of SHARK right...?

due to my unfortunate oversighting theres something i completely missed...
their shoes...
i thought such an 'oversight' wasnt that much of a problem, since I designed their whole body earlier, but theres a huge problem in that too

this is when the inside of the cape was green!! not beach yellow!!
meaning! i cannot make their shoes beach yellow as originally planned!
i also couldnt made them black ; the color of their pants!
or blue! the color of the lineart ; due to tangents

and after around 2 hours of trying to make the shoes work (along with varying shoe shapes and sizes such as boots, round shoes like mario, slippers, etc.)

thats right. WHITE SHOES
i tried a multitude of darker colors, but nothing worked due to the weird contrast
it created with the pants, so i followed the original plan of having lighter colors shoes
only this time! very bright!
the orange on the bottom is because i felt like it needed something (true white felt wrong)

and that is the true end of SHARK's design history!!